Nepal Rastra Bank Exchange Rate

Exchange rate of nepalese rupees.
Nepal rastra bank exchange rate. Inr indian rupee 100. The exchange rate of indian currency in nepal and vice versa are provided below. Open market exchange rates for the purpose of nepal rastra bank currency unit buy. Forex price for nepal are under the central bank of nepal nepal rastra bank and the leading commercial banks of nepal.
160 by nepal rastra bank. Nepal foreign exchange rates. You can also request the exchange rate for previous dates from the form below. Nrs 100 inr 62 5.
Under the present system the open market exchange rates quoted by different banks may differ. If you are looking for foreign exchange price in nepal then you have landed at the right place. Exchange rates fixed by nepal rastra bank. Currency unit buy sell.
The exchange rate for indian rupee is fixed to be nrs. Find everything related to currency exchange rates here.