Bic Sparda Bank

Genodef1s06 swift code bic sparda bank nuernberg eg in nuernberg germany swift code genodef1s06 is the unique bank identifier for sparda bank nuernberg eg s branch located in nuernberg germany and it s used to verify financial transactions such as a bank wire transfers international wire transfers.
Bic sparda bank. Sparda bank germany blz and swift bic codes s w i f t. What is a swift code. Swift codes are used to identify banks and financial institutions worldwide. Swift code bic spbkdedd xxx sparda bank west eg in this page you will find detailed information about the swift code spbkdeddxxx of sparda bank west eg.
Genodef1s02 swift code bic sparda bank baden wuerttemberg eg in stuttgart germany swift code genodef1s02 is the unique bank identifier for sparda bank baden wuerttemberg eg s branch located in stuttgart germany and it s used to verify financial transactions such as a bank wire transfers international wire transfers. Iban bic sparda bank münchen. Swift bic codes and bank sort codes blz bankleitzahl of sparda bank branches in germany.