Bank Angle

Dictionary of military and associated terms.
Bank angle. Bank angle is an effective way of controlling pitch. In particular the section about control surfaces discusses the three axes of motion about which an aircraft can rotate. Among these is roll defined as a rotation about the x axis or longitudinal axis of a flying vehicle. We all know that as we enter a turn the nose tends to drop unless we counter it.
Information and translations of bank angle in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The angle between the horizontal plnase and the right wing in the lateral plane positive when the right wing is down. Meaning of bank angle. The concept of the bank angle or roll angle was introduced in a previous article about the parts of an aircraft.
The bank angle is the angle at which the vehicle is inclined about its longitudinal axis with respect to the horizontal. The 60 degree bank angle is a good compromise for packaging and because the firing events occur in degrees 120 that are evenly divisible by the angle of the v 60 the firing forces remain.