Augusta Bank Eg

What is a swift code.
Augusta bank eg. Augusta bank eg raiffeisen volksbank is a cooperative bank owned by its members via shares. Credit ratings research and analysis for the global capital markets. Augusta bank eg raiffeisen volksbank was founded in 1930. Augusta bank eg raiffeisen volksbank provides products and services in the areas of retail banking insurance.
Swift code bic genodef1 aub augusta bank eg raiffeisen volksbank in this page you will find detailed information about the swift code genodef1aub of augusta bank eg raiffeisen volksbank. Die zugangsdaten zum online banking erhalten sie von ihrer vr bank augsburg ostallgäu eg über den sicheren postweg. The company s line of business includes federal government and federally sponsored credit agencies primarily engaged in guaranteeing. Augusta bank eg raiffeisen volksbank provides retail banking products and services to its customers focusing on customer requirements and development of local economy paying special attention to small and medium sized enterprises smes.
Sie ist wie fast alle. Das verfahren mit persönlicher identifikationsnummer pin und der erstellung einer transaktionsnummer tan mittels lesegerät tan generator ist eine sehr sichere bewährte methode mit der sie aufträge im online banking erteilen können. Check the genodef1aub swift bic code details below. Swift codes are used to identify banks and financial institutions worldwide.
Augusta bank eg raiffeisen volksbank entity featured on fitch ratings. Swift code genodef1aub is the unique bank identifier for augusta bank eg raiffeisen volksbank s branch located in augsburg germany and it s used to verify financial transactions such as a bank wire transfers international wire transfers.